Went out for an hour today in the wind and rain, brought the injection but it was no day for it so stuck it out with the 270. Now every bone in my body said fish deep so I put on the feed popper, what is that about! I fished for about an hour and at that stage new well that they would not come up top! So on with a plastic and bang hit by this little beauty that tipped the scales on the new boga at exactly four pounds. Reckon I could have had a few more but at that stage i was wet cold and honour had been satisfied. Plus there was the promise of a big fat juicy rib eye (cheers lads best staek in ages), so good luck to the fishing and off for a feed.
The plastic sticking out his mouth is just new in and they are deadly so give me a shout if interested.
Patrick, the photo really only shows the jighead rather than the lure, so can you share any more information on this one? I've just started getting some success on soft plastics rigged Texas style, but haven't really got into fishing them on jigheads. Mainly down to fishing shallow, snaggy marks (have lost a bunch of jigheads in short order!) and yet to get any confidence in them. When do you select a SP on a jighead as the best tactic?
Tim its a xorous rolling shad! Needs a jig head fish it sink and draw in estuary! For texas I have other stuff drop me an e mail loads of sp's in stock at the mo.
Cheers, Patrick. Just sent you an email re Xlayers. Can you also email me back re prices on the Xorus rolling Shad and suitable jig-heads? Got a local estuary I know holds fish, but can't seem to get at them yet!
Cheers - Tim.
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