First off guys a big thank you for all the kind words of support. Blogging is weird some days you feel like no one is tuned into this thing so why bother but then something like this happens and it is obvious from the response on here and the phone that there are lots of chilled out anglers about who give a damn. I can't say how much these fish mean to me, I got into bass angling as a kid. I was a pretty messed up kid locked away in boarding school which I hated and found a book in the library written by the legendary Des Brennan, called angling in Ireland. most of the tales of their exploits where out chasing Irish sea bass, as I read the book as a young lad it was like I was there and could feel the salt spray on my face, he breakers rolling to shore on warm wexford July evenings, the excitement as the rods doubled into another decent bass. In fairness to these guys back then they where putting these fish back into the sea, anyone who has looked a big bass in the eye knows it is a thing of wild beauty and power, perfectly adapted to it's environment, to put them back alive and well is a privilege, And that was it I never looked back, I have been, besotted and in awe of these tremendous fish ever since. I had my first fish at 15, a 6lb on half a sand eel and the rest is history.
But back to the car, first off this incident has spurred me to get off my ass and look for the jeep I have wanted for ages and can now just about afford after many hard hours of guiding. And anyone who knows me when I guide I work hard, go that extra mile, to that next mark to try find some decent fish for guys who have put their faith in me. So that's the first result, I am looking at a 03 freelander any thoughts much appreciated.
Lastly the car cost me the princely sum of 40 euro to fix, so I think we all know who came out worst of this little debacle. Cheers guys for all your support I really do appreciate it.
Also worth mention is I have a new order of lures and rods arriving this week so if you are after some kit then drop me a line.
The hairy chap in the picture by the way live on the hill up the road from me and early in the morning (stupid o'clock) come down to graze on the road side. Only in Ireland, you just got to love it.
Pat it looks like the goats got its rear legs crossed lol
Hello Pat, i've just looked on the internet and it seems that the army are selling off a few of their Landrovers, should be ideal for going into bandit country, and at £7.750 they wont break the bank.,25,/22182/Landrover_.htm
Take care,, Marc..
Pat thats not a goat, its Farquar come to spy on ya!!
Don't bother with the Freelanders - too much stuff can go wrong with them (especially electrically). A Defender is the way to go - durable and reliable and realy cheap to fix (in the unlikely event of something going wrong). If your after a real deal, check out - even with the VRT and ferry costs you'll save yourself a nice bit.
Oh god say away from does Freelanders!!! it will cost ya more than 40 euro to fix i can tell ya.
The Defender a good bet but nothing wrong with the pajeros, landcruisers out there, you've met me a few times in my pathfinder and god she gets alot of grief and puts up with it!! but its a buyers market at the mo so you should be able to hammer out a good deal whichever 4x4 ya choose.
Actually not only are the goats rear legs crossed - it also seems to have a shaved stomach
leave the goat alone lads! that's my neighbour you are giving a hard time to... Mick you could be right I should check it's tackle box if it's full of feed shallows then we will know the truth....
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