Guiding And Tackle Sales

You will find attached to the blog contact deatil for my new guiding and tackle business. The tackle will be supplied by the biggest names in lure fishing including, ultimate fishing, sakura, lucky craft, IMA and Slug Go.

The guiding service is based on twenty years experience fishing this coast line and I think that the pictures speak for themselves. This service is suited to both the very experienced and the novice. For those just starting out there will lots of tips on lures etc and water craft info and always the chance of a clonker!!! That's why they call it fishing.

My aim is for you to have a really memorable days fishing, on what I consider to be some of the most beautiful and productive grounds our little country has to offer..

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I'll Be Home In A minute Love!

Note the concentration on these lads faces at thought of hooking into a decent Bass! NOT! Small tides I think they zap everyone's confidence. Roll on next week and lets all say a prayer to the weathet gods!


mrfishjersey said...

You lt are starting to look like an army mate...

When is the ban Pat? Can you still fish for Sea Trout during it?

Anonymous said...

The ban starts middle of may for a month man so expect a knock on your door from stressed out looking bass fishers! we could be in withdrawal! Don't slag the look man you supplied 50% of it! Ill give ye bell tomorrow!

cian said...

An army of exceptional bass anglers , none of those 2 + 3 lb Jersey Bass over here !!!

mrfishjersey said...

Hey Cian how you doing man? Give me a bass of any size mate and i'd be happy at the moment. There are flights for £30 from Jersey to Cork at the mo, I am thinking of coming soon, maybe as soon as the ban lifts.....

patrick said...

Mick sounds like a plan let us know man! We will get you sorted out it's only a skip up from cork we chould even fish dungarvan on your way up an absolut cracker of a spot! Things are going well this in ill fill you in on the phone... Patrick!