So this year is proving to be a bit easier than last year, mostly due to the fact that I am so busy trying to sort out my first order for the new business, staying in touch on line etc. looking through lists of lures trying to sort out what is really worth getting in, I have discovered that just because i like it doesn't mean that others will! I like some pretty weird lures! I have my eye on one really strange lure, ye would think I am mad but people said that about the x layer! In fact I remember certain people laughing out load at x layers so don't knock it till you try it lads! But i am keeping that one secret till I know it works then Ill fill ye in. the first rods I am getting in are the bar 270 and supermix 240, i just think these are by far the best suited to our current style of fishing and will be the most popular, but if anyone is looking for anything different then drop me a line and ill sort it out for you. Lures wise I am looking at a good range of tide minnows, lots of megabasss (my fav Company), xorus, zip baits, zenith patchinkos and of course the feeds series from tackle house! loads of led heads and plastics as well! so exciting times and lots of hard work but really well worth it! If you are unfamiliar with this kit check it out here it is the way forward for modern bass fishing.
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