Guiding And Tackle Sales

You will find attached to the blog contact deatil for my new guiding and tackle business. The tackle will be supplied by the biggest names in lure fishing including, ultimate fishing, sakura, lucky craft, IMA and Slug Go.

The guiding service is based on twenty years experience fishing this coast line and I think that the pictures speak for themselves. This service is suited to both the very experienced and the novice. For those just starting out there will lots of tips on lures etc and water craft info and always the chance of a clonker!!! That's why they call it fishing.

My aim is for you to have a really memorable days fishing, on what I consider to be some of the most beautiful and productive grounds our little country has to offer..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Holiday Advice

So you are into plugging for Bass, been buying tackle on line, checking blogs, wsf and all the other killer sites for the modern lure nut and now starting to think a bass Holiday might e a good idea. Where to next? If you are thinking of a purpose fishing Holiday then there are a couple of main considerations to take into account. One is time of year, is this a productive time of year to try and catch your quarry. Two and most importantly is the state of tide, plan your trip around a good tide. Seek local advice, tide tables etc. Sure a day out fishing on the off chance is great but if you are going to spend some money and have a Holiday that is focused on fishing then do the ground work. I can tell you that I only ever see my good Friend Henry Gilbey around the really good tides, I am actually starting to think the man has an in built lunar clock that draws him to our shores.. Time of year is important book around what suits you, if you love top water then book the summer, if you are after a really big fish then book a bit later in the year, then again this is Ireland and you just never know when a double is going to give you a bang! Don't be shy to drop me a mail and ask a few questions even if you are not booking with me I might help with tides etc. So think before you book! Having said all that if you do find yourself in Ireland on the off chance and the tide is small don't loose hope look through my blog and you will a stinker of a fish caught on a neep tide, the fishing will not be as frantic but there are always one or two about and who knows how big they will be!!! That's why they call it fishing!!!

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