Ok so I'm in Woodies the other day picking up bits and Bob's to try and sort the house out a wee bit. ME and my Dad live in a 200yr old farm house that is beautifully situated right on a beach at the mouth of the estuary to the three sisters (The Barrow, The Nore and The Suir.) The house itself is called weir house after the salmon weir which traditionally belonged to the owners of the house. For those of you you who do not know what a salmon weir is it was a means by which to trap salmon as they made their way up stream to spawn. It consisted of a series of poles that ran out along the beach for about a quarter of a mile, attached to this then was a a very heavy gauge net that fish could not become entangled in, instead they would swim along the net looking for a way past. At the end of the net was a large cage that once the salmon swam in they could not get out again, it was really avery Eco friendly ay of fishing as any by catch such as bass, flounder, crab etc could just be released back into the tide. But I digress from the matter at hand.
Whilst in Woodies I came across the product pictured which is a glue for soft plastics, as a tackle dealer i am probably the last person in the world who should be telling you of ways to repair your plastic baits (instead of buying new ones) but there ye go sometimes I'm too honest for my own good. I have tried it out on a couple of mother worms that where in pretty poor shape and whilst I don't think it is a miracle fix all, it will certainly enable me to take another couple of fish on two baits that where otherwise for the bin. So keep an eye out for it, I reckon it is worth having for any angler who is serious about his plastic fishing.
Unfortunately some of the most effective plastics are also the most fragile ones, this stuff should tip the scales back in your favour a small bit. It will by no means solve the problem but it will help you get longer and therefore more value out of your soft plastics.
Are you sure its glue Patrick. Give it a squeeze and you might get an XLayer out : )
I reckon I could squeeze out a few xlayers aaat this stage n=man! LOL
Careful it might get stuck "Midway" Lol ho ho.
Here is a good one for ye, last week I was glueing a plastic on whilst out fishing, and tried to get the cap off with ny teeth, the "super glue exploded into my mouth" Talk about a panic. Thankfully whatever is in saliva cause the glue to congeal and not stick but i had a nice layer on the back of a couple of teeth that took a while to pick off! Lesson learned, super glue and mouth are a no no, use a pliers thats why I carry them! DUH!
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