The guys from Ultimate fishing arrive next weeek at the start of what look to be a very promising set of tides, I know they are xecited about some of the fish in our waters and the potential that they hold. i for one am looking forward well one to a week off from guiding but mostly to just being out there with a bunch of really experienced guys and get to see what they are up to? How they are working the lures, their favourte colours, patterns techniques etc. It is a well earned break the tackle business will still be running so no panic if you loose that favourite patchinko give me a shout and ill sort it for you.
I have a suspision that we miight get to see some of the new product range for next year and the chance to trial some of that out would be cool. You never top learning in this game, the minute you think you have it mastered is the minute you are codding yourself, you could give a life time to our sport and there will always be things to learn, if I become un teachable then it would be time to stop. It was one of the reasons I was never drawn to match fishing as it had the clicky I am better than you feel to it, just not my thing. I feel fishing as a sport should be inclusive and friendly, life is too short for anything else and recent events in my own life have thought just how presious life really is so get out there live it, go fishing, bring a friend, share your info it just aint a compettition it's a way of life!
Have you seeen the French firm called WOF (way of fishing) I really envy them their name I think it is so cool because i know in my heart I'm a lure guy, it is my "way of fishing" what I love, where I love to be, to talk about, planning trips, fixing kit. You should see the winkler (cian) the man spends hours getting his plastics ready before a few days fishing, he has em all in seperate compartment for different types pre glued ready to roll, but he loves it, it adds to the experience so go for it that's what I say. I had a call the other night (you know who you are) from a chap and he had just recieved the new lure chest pack and was wandering around the house with it on delighted with himself, you know when do we ever get the chance to be kids again, to feel that excitment, that sense of fun. Red rod 400 euro, Daiwa certate 330 euro, collection of lures 1,000, 10lb Bass at dawn priceless!!!! For everything else there is mastercard!
Quality guys and Tight lines to one and all.
Bit of a shout to james in the Photo let us know when you are over home and we wil gett a few hours in! Home bonny scothland is treating you well.
Hows it going man, that pic cheered me up alot sitting here in windy cold aberdeen.... Hoping to get home the start of November hell of alot of college crap to do at the moment,, probably only get one day fishing but its better then nothing lets hope there will be a November croc with my name on him!
Chat to you soon....
James I woul say there is mothing more certain you deserve it boy! Keep up the good work in college marine biology needs decent anglers! Best of Luck!
After i got off the phone to you i took the sakura and all out to see what it would be like when im fishing haha the missus thinks ive lost the plot(there i am standing in the middle of me living room with me chestpack on and pretending to twitch me lures with the rod)I think the missus is right i am losing it haha
Can't believe that something has managed to drag you away from the Emerald Island with all these quality Bass being caught!!!
Thanks once again for all the support (particularly on the climb off that beach, ehh?!?!?!?) on my recent trip over!!
Ken you have not losr it welcome to the world of fishing where women are mystified and men turn into children.
James let us knoe anyhow my auld mate and we will squeeze a session in. It's 5.30 am I have a kind of a day off to go fish cork harbour and couldn't sleeep right! The bug never leaves no mattter how much you do it! Difference today is I get to fish all day no guiding involved so it should be a cracker.
Si hope you are well and still crackin fish after your trip. It was a good un! Stay in touch.
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