Lads a couple of things in relation to contacting me, number is do not copy and paste my e mail address from the blog for some reason is does not work , just type it in! I still don't have a web site up and running bit it is coming very shortly, you can however pay with credit card through paypal and take delivery by post. I just need to have the time to develop a decent web space, so it was always going to be about getting through the summer and early autumn months so I would have some time on my hands to wade through all the work that needs putting into a project like this one. If you are local ie: Waterford Wexford and Cork, just give me a bell (087 7403445) and we can arrange to meet up and get you sorted for those big Irish winter bass that are as we speak making their way in-shore for the brab moult. God bless the humble peeler crab where would we be with out him. Ask the lads in Youghal about that one! Oopps I'm off again that's another day's work. To finish with the fact that the lure store supports and encourages catch and release and has a full range of products that enable anglers to handle these beautiful fish without causing them harm.
Got to love those double hook up's! keeps me a busy man, only two hands and one boga!
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