Rubbish tide today so I got an invite to join the wexford bass mafia for a day on the water after a few Pollock. Danny, Patrick and Barry are the finest company a lad could ask for out for the day mad for fishing and sandwiches by all accounts. Pat had the only bass of the day but we got some Pollock and when I say Pollock I mean Pollock, big angry south wexford torpedo's that don't want to come out of the kelp jungle they live in. We had some hectic sport with loads of really decent fish being landed and returned. I hooked one fish om a 240 super mix (which I now own, spineless tackle junkie) on a shad that I just could not stop. Drag was set maxed out on a Stella 4000 ans he made it look like a trout reel. The power of these fish is awesome. I have no doubt that had we a rib where we could get into the shallower water we would have nailed a few spiky fellas but I ain't complaining.
We spent a couple of hours around the Saltee Islans, in the sound, then head back in shore and set anchor, four plastics hit the water and all hell broke loose. Incredible fishing on such light tackle the super mixes and the shukan where tested to the max today.
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