At long last reports have started to roll in of a few decent fish being nailed around the coast. The Northerly wind has flattened the sea and cleaned the water and seems a few bass are on the feed. The fine fish you see pictured was captured by Craig an enthusiastic angler from Waterford, Craig and his pals are just getting into lure fishing and I think this fish at 7.5lb is his beat to date. So hats off to you Craig that's a mighty looking fish. Before you all go nuts he had it on an xlayer 4.5" in a top secret color!!!!
I don't know bout you lot but tomorrow its on with the winter woollies and me new Musto smock, I know this is a shameless plug but it's my blog and I'm allowed! But seriously this is an awesome piece of wet gear they really are not cheap ask any half decent yachtsman and they tell you bout the price of Musto gear.
I am going to fish a bit festive tomorrow, I have had great success already on the "one up shad", it is just an awesome bait in the water. But I saw it in the colour above and couldn't resist, money says it nails fish too! It will be super mix 210 all the way tomorrow I could not be happier ith this rod, it's light, medium into fast action with loads of grunt and yet retains the finesse feel of a small rod.
On the tackle front I have one Sakura Rookie and onr Injection left so be quick and don't be sick! The picture of my festive shad was so secret it wont even show when I want it too."
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